Official TOEFL iBT® Tests Volume 2
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The bestselling collection of MORE Official TOEFL iBT® Tests from ETS, the maker of the test!

Are you preparing to take the TOEFL test? Official TOEFL Tests, Volume 2 gives you all the tools you need to achieve your best score. This book from ETS contains five more retired TOEFL® test forms with authentic reading, listening, speaking, and writing questions, plus an answer key for each form. This third edition reflects the all the latest changes and updates to the test.

You also get a DVD containing all five interactive tests as well as a downloadable audio file with all the passages and sample responses in the listening and speaking sections. You will learn how to construct a proper answer and how to integrate your speaking, listening, and writing skills to demonstrate English proficiency.

The book features:

• 5 full-length sample TOEFL tests, available both in the book and on DVD• Real TOEFL essay-writing prompts• Sample responses for the speaking and writing test sections• Downloadable audio for all the listening and speaking sections• Answer keys, self-scoring guides, and more

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